Walking Health & Weight Loss

During lockdown, I piled on the ‘corona kilos’ and got up to a weight of over 105kg! Not the healthiest of weight for my height of 6ft. So, I decided a diet regime and daily walking routine were required in order to improve my health. After 6 months of daily walks and healthy eating, I’d managed to lose 20kg, which was an amazing effort BUT I was finding it difficult to stay inspired.

Old Walking Maps

I had also developed an interest in old maps at this point, building a collection of maps of Dorset and the south of England, some of which were over 400 years old. I was mesmerised by the strip maps of Robert Morden from early 1700’s, with the unique arrangement of roads together with general information about the way-stops a traveller would typically make on a journey (and what information was important to them).

1700’s road map

The function of these maps was more than just providing the route, but to offer historical & cultural information to the traveller on the specific places that traveller would pass by or through on their journey. And it was seeing these maps that I realised I’d always wanted to know more about the places that I walked or drive past but couldn’t easily find that information out without actively researching the information / locations.

That is where the idea of Walkfo started – taking a 300 year old concept revamped for the digital age.

Walkfo makes walking for health interesting

I have used Walkfo on a daily basis now, testing the app for the past 2 months, refining the model of how information is delivered to create an engaging interactive experience that is effectively a dynamic podcast generated by where you walk.

We have millions of individual facts processed ready for you to explore now in Walkfo on your daily walk. And the health benefit I’ve personally experiencing? 79kg today. Thats a weigh loss of 27kg, so I know that the app works by helping to keep me motivated to do daily healthy walks and to lose the weight.