Whalley, Lancashire tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
Explore 35 travel spots
When travelling to Whalley, Lancashire, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Whalley, Lancashire overview of Whalley, Lancashire’s hotels & accommodation, Whalley, Lancashire’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Whalley, Lancashire. Experience a unique Whalley, Lancashire when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Whalley, Lancashire map.
Whalley, Lancashire history
Portfield Hillfort also known as Planes Wood Camp is thought to date from late Bronze Age or Iron Age. It is located on a slight promontory overlooking the valley of the River Calder southeast of the town.
Whalley was severely affected by flooding in December 2015. Hundreds of homes were damaged and many residents required rescue as flood water from the nearby River Calder engulfed their homes. The restoration of many homes damaged by the flood remains in progress.
Whalley, Lancashire map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
Visit Whalley, Lancashire Walkfo Stats
With 35 travel places to explore on our Whalley, Lancashire travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Whalley, Lancashire as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Whalley, Lancashire map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Whalley, Lancashire history from Walkfo).
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Tourist Guide to Whalley, Lancashire Map
Whalley, Lancashire map historic spot
Whalley, Lancashire map tourist destination
Whalley, Lancashire map plaque
Whalley, Lancashire map geographic feature
Walkfo Whalley, Lancashire travel map key: visit National Trust sites, Blue Plaques, English Heritage locations & top travel destinations in Whalley, Lancashire
Famous Whalley, Lancashire landmarks to explore while you travel at Whalley, Lancashire
Whalley Viaduct
Known locally as “Whalley Arches”, Whalley Viaduct is a 48-span railway bridge crossing the River Calder. It is a red brick arch structure and the longest and largest railway viaduct in Lancashire. It carries the railway, now known as the Ribble Valley Line, 21.3m over the river for 620m.
Whalley Abbey
Whalley Abbey is a 14th-century Cistercian abbey on the banks of the Calder. The monks described the site of their abbey beneath the river as a ‘bless place’
Other places of interest
The parish church of St Mary and All Saints dates to 628 in the period when St. Paulinus was said to have preached at Whalley. A Roman Catholic church, The English Martyrs, lies near the Abbey. Until the 1980s there was a girls’ boarding school called Whiteacre.
Calder’s waterfall and isles
The River Calder has a man made weir section which supposedly allowed the monks of Whalley Abbey to collect water easily. It has been suggested that was one of the main reasons for the abbey being built where it was. The mill has now been transformed into flats, but you can still see the remains of the wheel through an opening at the back of the building.
Visit Whalley, Lancashire’s for a personalised tour guide through Walkfo
There are [audiofact] tourist / travel locations for you to visit using Walkfo. The following example of a Whalley, Lancashire map spot within our tourist guide app provides a small insight into the type of history & cultural information available for Whalley, Lancashire specifically through Walkfo’s audio map:
Whalley, Lancashire’s tourist destinations available in Walkfo travel guide to Whalley, Lancashire
● Langho ● St Bartholomew’s Church, Great Harwood ● Sabden Brook ● Martholme Viaduct ● Martholme ● Pendleton, Lancashire ● Barrow, Lancashire ● Wiswell ● Pendleton Brook ● Billington and Langho ● Billington, Lancashire ● New St Leonard’s Church, Langho ● Whalley Abbey ● Northcote (hotel) ● Church of St Mary and All Saints, Whalley ● York, Lancashire ● Calderstones Hospital ● Whalley, Lancashire ● Old St Leonard’s Church, Langho ● Hacking Hall ● Brockhall Village ● Portfield Hillfort ● River Hodder ● Time and Tide Bell ● The Old Zoo ● Read Hall and Park ● Read, Lancashire ● Little Mitton ● All Hallows Church, Great Mitton ● River Calder, Lancashire
● Mitton Hoard ● Great Britain ● Great Mitton
Hotels & places-to-stay in Whalley, Lancashire travel destinations
Whalley, Lancashire hotels & accommodation map offers places-to-stay in Whalley, Lancashire close to travel spots available in our tourist guide app: