Travel to Swinefleet Map
Swinefleet tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
When travelling to Swinefleet, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Swinefleet overview of Swinefleet’s hotels & accommodation, Swinefleet’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Swinefleet. Experience a unique Swinefleet when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Swinefleet map.
Swinefleet history
Swinefleet was previously a civil parish that was part of the Goole Rural District in the West Riding of Yorkshire from 1894 to 1974. It was then in Boothferry district of Humberside until 1996.
Peat milling
The first mill at this location was established by Bennett’s Moss Peat Company in 1886 . Bennett’s employed 40 men to harvest the peat, which was removed from the moors in wagons pulled by horses, and taken to the mill, where it was milled and bagged into bales . Foster Wilson was employed to transport the bales by horse and dray to Swinefleet Clough, where there was a wharf .
Reedness Junction, where the Fockerby branch of the Axholme Joint Railway left the main line to Epworth, was situated within the parish of Reedness, despite its name, while Swinefleet Peat Works was actually in the adjacent parish . The railway was opened for passengers on 10 August 1903, as far south as Crowle . Passenger services were withdrawn in 1933, and the railway was closed in 1965 .
Swinefleet map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
Visit Swinefleet Walkfo Stats
With 15 travel places to explore on our Swinefleet travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Swinefleet as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Swinefleet map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Swinefleet history from Walkfo).
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Tourist Guide to Swinefleet Map
Swinefleet map historic spot | Swinefleet map tourist destination | Swinefleet map plaque | Swinefleet map geographic feature |
Walkfo Swinefleet travel map key: visit National Trust sites, Blue Plaques, English Heritage locations & top travel destinations in Swinefleet |