Travel to Paulton Map

Paulton tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo

Travel Paulton Map Explore

Travel to PaultonWhen travelling to Paulton, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Paulton overview of Paulton’s hotels & accommodation, Paulton’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Paulton. Experience a unique Paulton when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Paulton map.

Paulton history

Hill House was built in around 1760 by John Hill (1729–1789) It was owned by his descendants until 1883 when it was leased to tenants until 1902. The parish was part of the hundred of Chewton during the reign of Edward III.

Coal mining

Paulton Coal mining photo

Paulton basin is the terminus of the northern branch of the Somerset Coal Canal. The canal carried record tonnages of coal during the 1820s and 1830s. The deepest mine of its time (1800 feet) was at Timsbury; the largest drydock on the canal system in the country is on the east side of the canal.

Modern industry

Paulton was the location of the first Great Mills DIY store, and the company’s head office was located adjacent to the store. It used to be called Old Mills DIY, by virtue of the fact that the store was sited on the former Old Mills colliery baths site.


In 2009–2015 the Purnells factory was replaced with 420 houses, a family restaurant, green places, small industrial units and a park.


Paulton map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore

Visit Paulton Walkfo Stats

With 37 travel places to explore on our Paulton travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Paulton as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Paulton map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Paulton history from Walkfo).

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Tourist Guide to Paulton Map


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Walkfo Paulton travel map key: visit National Trust sites, Blue Plaques, English Heritage locations & top travel destinations in Paulton