Travel to Over, Cheshire Map
Over, Cheshire tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
When travelling to Over, Cheshire, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Over, Cheshire overview of Over, Cheshire’s hotels & accommodation, Over, Cheshire’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Over, Cheshire. Experience a unique Over, Cheshire when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Over, Cheshire map.
Over, Cheshire history
Ancient origins
Over owes its origins to the Ice Age when melt waters from the last ice sheet left a long line of sand expanding from Frodsham in the north to beyond Nantwich in the south . The main road through Delamere Street and Swanlow Lane follows this line and is about 200 feet (61 m) above sea level .
Saxon times
The earliest evidence of anyone living in the area is the piece of a Saxon stone cross, which was found between the World Wars when St Chad’s Church was altered . Saint Chad was the first bishop of the Midlands in the 7th Century .
Norman rule
The Norman Earls of Chester had a hunting lodge or summer palace at Darnhall in Over parish . There was an enclosed area where deer and wild boar were kept to be hunted by the Earl and his guests . It was rumoured that his wife, Helen the daughter of the Prince of Wales, poisoned him to favour the aristocrat her daughter had married .
King Edward I and the foundation of Vale Royal Abbey
Edward I made a vow to find an abbey in Cheshire when he was in danger of shipwreck . As he visited Darnhall and knew its quiet secluded setting, he chose this area as a site for Cistercian monks . A group of monks arrived from Dore Abbey in Herefordshire to set up the new abbey .
A borough charter
Walter, the second Abbot of Vale Royal Abbey, laid out land on either side of Delamere Street in a series of matching “burgage plots” Each one was suitable for building a house, forming a garden and/or orchard and have space to keep a pig or cow . The plan of the 13th-century borough is still visible in the modern garden plots .
The great plans for Vale Royal Abbey, upon which the early prosperity of Over depended, came to an end . The great castle-building programme of Edward I stripped it of funds and then the Black Death killed half of the population .
New owners
Vale Royal Abbey and its lands were sold during the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1545 . Over was purchased by Thomas Holcroft for £466.10s.1d who sold it almost at once to Edmund Pershall .
Civil War
In 1643, Royalists escaping from Nantwich “sacked” Over the years, the situation during the English Civil War was very dangerous to everyone . The coins were declared treasure trove and are now at the Grosvenor Museum in Chester .
Later 17th century
A silver mace was presented by the owner of Vale Royal Abbey mansion in this time, although it is unclear exactly by whom and when . It is still in the possession of Winsford Town Council .
18th century
Robert Nixon, sometimes known as the ‘Palatine Prophet’ and who came from Over, may have lived at this time . Robert Nixon was known for his work in the Palatine and lived in Over .
19th Century – The time of salt
Salt industry became firmly established in Winsford from the 1830s, bringing with it massive pollution . As the wind usually blew away from Over, it became the popular place for more wealthy people in the town to live . The old Borough tried to keep itself separate but had been connected by the 1860s .
Over, Cheshire map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
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With 15 travel places to explore on our Over, Cheshire travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Over, Cheshire as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Over, Cheshire map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Over, Cheshire history from Walkfo).
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