Travel to Northfield, Birmingham Map

Northfield, Birmingham tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo

Travel Northfield, Birmingham Map Explore

Travel to Northfield, BirminghamWhen travelling to Northfield, Birmingham, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Northfield, Birmingham overview of Northfield, Birmingham’s hotels & accommodation, Northfield, Birmingham’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Northfield, Birmingham. Experience a unique Northfield, Birmingham when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Northfield, Birmingham map.

Northfield, Birmingham history


Northfield was occupied or visited in the Stone Age as evidenced by a yellow Chert neolithic scraper discovered in Quarry Lane and a stone axe-head found on Tessall Lane . Large burnt mounds of heat-shattered stones have been identified alongside Northfield’s streams . One of these mounds found near Merritts Brook Lane is 16 metres across .

Roman, Saxon and Norman periods

Northfield, Birmingham Roman, Saxon and Norman periods photo

Before Roman times the area around Northfield most likely belonged to the Celtic tribe, Dobunii . The name was original nord feld, an Anglo-Saxon phrase and Northfield was probably named because the area is north of Bromsgrove .

Civil War period

Northfield stood on the northern border of royalist Worcestershire and right next to parliamentary Warwickshire . During the English Civil War there were regular minor skirmishes and conflicts between the forces of the two opposing sides . Hawkesley House in West Heath was besieged and seized by parliamentary forces .

19th century

Northfield, Birmingham 19th century photo

Nailer’s workshops had been present in Northfield, Groveley, West Heath and Turves Green . By the start of the 20th century nailing had moved to central Birmingham factories, ceasing to be a cottage industry .

20th century

Victoria Common was laid out and landscaped on the site of the former public common land called Bradley’s Field by Birmingham City Council as a municipal recreation area to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897 . The park has changed little since it was first opened, excepting the additions of several tennis courts laid in the 1930s and a children’s play area built in the 1950s and renewed since .


Northfield, Birmingham map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore

Visit Northfield, Birmingham Walkfo Stats

With 78 travel places to explore on our Northfield, Birmingham travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Northfield, Birmingham as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Northfield, Birmingham map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Northfield, Birmingham history from Walkfo).

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Tourist Guide to Northfield, Birmingham Map


  Northfield, Birmingham map historic spot

  Northfield, Birmingham map tourist destination

  Northfield, Birmingham map plaque

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Walkfo Northfield, Birmingham travel map key: visit National Trust sites, Blue Plaques, English Heritage locations & top travel destinations in Northfield, Birmingham