Travel to Lower Green, Esher Map

Lower Green, Esher tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo

Travel Lower Green, Esher Map Explore

Travel to Lower Green, EsherWhen travelling to Lower Green, Esher, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Lower Green, Esher overview of Lower Green, Esher’s hotels & accommodation, Lower Green, Esher’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Lower Green, Esher. Experience a unique Lower Green, Esher when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Lower Green, Esher map.

Lower Green, Esher history

The Royal Mills

Lower Green, Esher The Royal Mills photo

The Esher Mills were mentioned in the court rolls of King John of England . The mill was originally used for corn milling . The mills were located on the bank of the River Mole and were one of many such mills .


Small cottages have been seen in Lower Green from maps dating back as far as 1871 . The 1923 Housing Act saw the completion of some council cottage . Provisioning of such housing was suspended in 1939 and was restarted in 1949 .

Sandown Park

Sandown Park’s first meeting was held in 1875 . Built in the 1870s with land acquired from J W Spicer of Esher Place .

Esher Place Gate House

Lower Green, Esher Esher Place Gate House photo

Esher Place estate was broken up and sold in 1929 . The Gate House was acquired by Shaftesbury Home for Girls . It is now private residences .


Ditton Marsh station, now Esher station, was opened in 1846 . The station had an exclusive waiting room for the Duchess of Albany for race-day attendances . In 1938 a line was proposed from Nine Elms to Woking was proposed .

Coal Tax Post

Lower Green, Esher Coal Tax Post photo

Two coal tax posts were established around London to pay for improvements in 1666 . One is located on Lower Green Road, TQ 138 657, and the other on Douglas Road was moved in 1861 .


Lower Green can be identified as far back as John Rocque’s 1762 map . The map identifies the Esher Wire Mill on the banks of the River Mole and River Ember . Lower Green Road is also on the map with agricultural land to the north . By 1871 The Six-inch England and Wales Ordnance Survey Maps identify the addition of the London and South Western Railway .


Lower Green, Esher map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore

Visit Lower Green, Esher Walkfo Stats

With 103 travel places to explore on our Lower Green, Esher travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Lower Green, Esher as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Lower Green, Esher map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Lower Green, Esher history from Walkfo).

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Tourist Guide to Lower Green, Esher Map


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