Chester-le-Street tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
Explore 42 travel spots
When travelling to Chester-le-Street, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Chester-le-Street overview of Chester-le-Street’s hotels & accommodation, Chester-le-Street’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Chester-le-Street. Experience a unique Chester-le-Street when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Chester-le-Street map.
Chester-le-Street history
Chester-le-Street was the centre of Christianity for much of the northeast because it was the seat of the Bishop of Lindisfarne. The Roman fort of Concangis was built alongside the Roman road Cade’s Road (now Front Street) and close to the River Wear. After the Romans left there is no record of who lived there (apart from some wounded soldiers from wars who had to live there) until 883 when a group of monks stopped there to build a wooden shrine and church to St Cuthbert.
Chester-le-Street map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
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With 42 travel places to explore on our Chester-le-Street travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Chester-le-Street as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Chester-le-Street map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Chester-le-Street history from Walkfo).
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Tourist Guide to Chester-le-Street Map
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Walkfo Chester-le-Street travel map key: visit National Trust sites, Blue Plaques, English Heritage locations & top travel destinations in Chester-le-Street
Famous Chester-le-Street landmarks to explore while you travel at Chester-le-Street
John Leland described Chester-le-Street in the 1530s as “Chiefly one main street of very mean building in height”
St Mary and St Cuthbert church
St Mary and St Cuthbert is Chester-le-Street’s only Grade I listed building. It was built for an anchorite, an extreme form of hermit. The north aisle is occupied by a line of Lumley family effigies assembled circa 1590.
Chester Burn viaduct
Viaduct to the northwest of the town centre was completed in 1868 for the North Eastern Railway. It is over 230m long with 11 arches, now spanning a road and supermarket car-park.
Lumley Castle
Lumley Castle was built in 1388. It sits upon the eastern bank of the River Wear and overlooks the town and Riverside Park.
Bethel United Reformed church
The small United Reformed Church on Low Chare, just off the main Front Street, was built in 1814 as the Bethel Congregational Chapel and remodelled in 1860. It is still in use and is a Grade II listed building.
The Queens Head Hotel
The Queens Head Hotel was built over 250 years ago when this road was the main route from Edinburgh and Newcastle to the south and London. It is still one of the largest buildings in the street and so the town centre, and is a Grade II listed building.
The Post Office
Chester-le-Street Post Office at 137 Front Street is in the Art Deco style and replaced a smaller building located on the corner of Relton Terrace and Ivanhoe Terrace. It is one of a handful of post offices that display the royal cypher from the brief reign of Edward VIII.
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