Travel to Camberley Map
Camberley tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
When travelling to Camberley, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Camberley overview of Camberley’s hotels & accommodation, Camberley’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Camberley. Experience a unique Camberley when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Camberley map.
Camberley history
An Iron Age fort liberally among many examples known as Caesar’s Camp was to the north of this area alongside the Roman road The Devil’s Highway. In the 17th century, the area along the turnpike road through Bagshot Heath (now the A30) was known as a haunt of highwaymen such as William Davies – also known as the Golden Farmer – and Claude Duval.
19th century
The town as it now stands has its roots in the building of The Royal Military College, which later became the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, in 1812. A settlement known as “New Town” grew in the area around the college which in 1831 was renamed Yorktown, after Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany. In 1848, the first parish church of St. Michael, Yorktown was built by Henry Woodyer, in an area formerly part of Frimley, itself only a chapelry of Ash.
20th century
The first known motorcycle scrambling event took place on Camberley Heath on 29 March 1924. During the Second World War, the Old Dean common was used as an instruction camp of the Free French Forces. In 1969 there was an outbreak of rabies when a dog, just released from a sixth month quarantine after returning from Germany, attacked two people.
21st century
A 7-acre (2.8 ha) mixed-use development west of Park Street named The Atrium was built of residential, leisure and retail buildings. Leisure facilities include a nine-screen cinema, a bowling alley, a health and fitness club, cafés and restaurants.
Camberley map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
Visit Camberley Walkfo Stats
With 35 travel places to explore on our Camberley travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Camberley as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Camberley map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Camberley history from Walkfo).
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Tourist Guide to Camberley Map
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