Travel to Beith Map

Beith tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo

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Travel to BeithWhen travelling to Beith, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Beith overview of Beith’s hotels & accommodation, Beith’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Beith. Experience a unique Beith when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Beith map.

Beith history


Beith’s name is thought to emanate from Ogham, sometimes referred to as the “Celtic Tree Alphabet”, ascribing names of trees to individual letters . Beithe in Old Irish means Birch-tree (cognate to Latin betula) There is reason to believe that the whole of the district was covered with woods .

Saint Inan

Beith is said to have been the occasional residence of Saint Inan, a confessor of some celebrity, whose principal place of abode was Irvine . A cleft in the west-front of Lochlands Hill is still known as St. Inan’s Chair .

Alexander Montgomerie

Alexander Montgomerie is regarded as one of the finest of Middle Scots poets . He is perhaps the greatest Scottish exponent of the sonnet form . He was probably born in Hazelhead Castle, on the outskirts of Beith .


In 1733 smugglers sacked Irvine Customs House, escaping with a rich booty of confiscated goods . By 1789 a company of 76 soldiers were quartered in the town dealing with the continuing illicit trade in tea, tobacco, and spirits . The Main Street’s popular public house is still called the Smugglers Tavern .

Morrishill and James Montgomery

Morrishill was owned by Robert Shedden, who purchased the land in 1748 . It is notoriously linked to the case of James Montgomery . Now a small housing estate, it is a short distance south of Beith .

Rev. John Witherspoon

Rev. John Witherspoon was a former minister of one its Church of Scotland parishes between 1745–1757 . In 1745 he led the men of Beith to Glasgow to defend King George III against the Young Pretender in the ’45 rebellion . He was captured at the Battle of Falkirk and imprisoned for a time in Doune Castle . He later emigrated and became a member of the US congress and voted for the Resolution for Independence .

Robert Tannahill

The Scottish Poet Robert Tannahill’s relatives lived at Boghall Farm near Gateside . His mother, Janet Pollock, and uncle, Hugh Brodie, farmed at Langcroft at the foot of Calder Glen near Lochwinnoch .

Henry Faulds

Henry Faulds was born in Beith in 1843 and wrote to Charles Darwin to forward his ideas . He died in 1930, bitter at the lack of recognition he had received for his work . His work in Japan is remembered by a memorial stone in Tokyo .

Robert Aitken

Aitken was a land surveyor and cartographer . He published in Beith a New Parish Atlas of Ayrshire in 1829 .


Beith map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore

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With 24 travel places to explore on our Beith travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Beith as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Beith map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Beith history from Walkfo).

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