Travel to Auchentiber Map
Auchentiber tourist guide map of landmarks & destinations by Walkfo
When travelling to Auchentiber, Walkfo’s has created a travel guide & Auchentiber overview of Auchentiber’s hotels & accommodation, Auchentiber’s weather through the seasons & travel destinations / landmarks in Auchentiber. Experience a unique Auchentiber when you travel with Walkfo as your tour guide to Auchentiber map.
Auchentiber history
The name “Achertybry” is marked on Pont’s map of 1604, and another similar name, Achyntybers’ is marked in the Parish of Stewarton as part of the “Barony of Balgray” The Stewarton area farms of this name are still extant.
The Cleikum Inn
An Inn with this name is marked on the 1860 OS map on the right hand side of the road near Bentfauld farm . The name may be related to the ‘Cleikum Inn’ which features in Sir Walter Scott’s novel ‘St Ronan’s Well’
The local schools
In 1860 a school is shown on the OS map in the hamlet of Lugton Water, but by 1879 it was moved to the other side of the Lugton River . In 1881 the attendance was 73 pupils . Auchentiber school was built near the Bloak Road bridge and closed in 1954 . The building survives as a private house .
The Blair Tavern
The ‘Blair Tavern’ was not opened as a public house until the late 20th century . The date 1834 in Roman numerals is above the entrance door of the tavern .
Local place names
The main road through the hamlet was not in existence in 1745, but when first built it is recorded as “Lochlibo Road” “Bloak Road Bridge” is the one near the entrance to Greenlea (previously Greenlee) Mosside was the farm near the Glasgow 20-mile (32-kilometre) and Irvine 5+1/4-mile milestones, now a ruin . Meg’swa’s’ is Megswells and is on the road to Irvine via Clonbeith .
Fergushill Hall
A number of properties in the surrounding area have the . appellation Fergushill, such as at Knockentiber; North & South Ferrushills near Eglinton, also Hill and Hall of Fergusill at Auchentiber . A lane ran to Fergoshill Hall from the buildings in Aucentiber which now form the Blair Tavern .
Auchentiber map & travel guide with history & landmarks to explore
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With 12 travel places to explore on our Auchentiber travel map, Walkfo is a personalised tour guide to tell you about the places in Auchentiber as you travel by foot, bike, car or bus. No need for a physical travel guide book or distractions by phone screens, as our geo-cached travel content is automatically triggered on our Auchentiber map when you get close to a travel location (or for more detailed Auchentiber history from Walkfo).
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Tourist Guide to Auchentiber Map
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